Clear-Ray Imaging can help with all of your chiropractic digital x-ray equipment needs. Chiropractic digital equipment is much more affordable than it once was. We can help with converting to computed radiography (CR) with a Picture Archive and Communication System (PACS), as well as going to a full-digital setup (DR). We also provide service and repair for all chiropractic radiology setups.
The benefits of Digital Radiography are clear. You save time by not having to wait for images to be processed. Your images will appear practically instantaneously on a monitor. You also save space in your practice by not needing a darkroom or any of the storage needed for items such as chemistry, films and any other items needed for conventional film processing. Having your images stored digitally also makes it much easier to share with clients or referring doctors with no need to scan images.
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Call us today at (877) 349-9729to learn more about the digital x-ray solutions Clear-Ray Imaging can provide for you today.